Monday, March 19, 2007

Borderline Racism

I know it's been a while since my last post, 4 months to be exact, but I've been busy. Anyway, I'd like to thank Kevin Drum for outraging me enough to get me to figure out my Blogger sign-in and posting a quick thought.
I'm not worried much about the standards at $15,000-a-year private schools, but I am worried about the standards at storefront operations in the inner city. The prospect of massive abuse is just too great.

To rephrase:
I'm not worried much about the standards at schools for rich white people, because they know how to spend their money, but I am worried about the standards at black schools because they don't know how to spend their money, they need rich OC white guys to look out for them. The prospect of massive abuse is just too great.


Joe Blueberry said...

The larger argument is still that the poor can't look after their money and need Drum to look out for them. Private schools are accountable to their customers, public schools are not! What Drum is saying is consumers have no power over what they are consuming. This is clearly flawed logic. Why would a voucher family choose to spend their voucher poorly? Would they not have a way to seek redress? Yes, they would! What remedy does a kid stuck in an underperforming school have?

Joe Blueberry said...

I would say that a parent that would be satisfied by your idea of what private schools would be, would be a parent that has a child that is already not performing in a public school. This would be an example of a student who is not going succeed in any system and this situation would be the exception and not the rule. Citing the worst case scenario for a system that would work for more families than a strictly public school system does not prove the proposed voucher system would not work.