Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Last night, while watching the Sox-Yankee game I realized that the ESPN show "Top 5 Reasons You Can't Blame.." was on and it was about Deckinger's blown call in the '85 World Series. It's clear that Orta was out at first, but that play had very little real effect in the game or should have. The Cardinals virtually self destructed after that call. I maintain that champions can overcome the adversity that comes from a bad call. The fact that the Cardinals didn't even compete after the call is evidence of the fact that the Cardinals did not deserve to win that series.

Anyway, the show was fabulous (I've seen it several times and enjoy it every time) and really brings back to my memory those great days of that World Series. And it's always good to remember that the Royals not only won that championship, but they completely demoralized the Cardinals. Also, I learned from the show of the Keith Hernandez curse. How great is that!

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