Thursday, June 22, 2006

Worst People in America

The folks at Right Wing News (a funny title for a 'news' organization) compiled a survey of right of center bloggers, as to who are the worst people in America. They used the definition that Keith Olbermann is using for his upcoming book "The Worst Person in the World: And 119 More Strong Contenders"; "It's a euphemism for somebody who's wrong and egregiously stupid and abusing their own position."

Some interesting names on the list are Pat Robertson and Fred Phelps. So, I must conclude that Robertson and Phelps basically offend most people, not just one side of the political spectrum. The not so interesting names are Barbra Streisand, George Clooney and Natalie Maines. They're just lightweight celebrities without the power to make drastic change and, I believe, when they speak, most people take what they say with a grain of salt. Of course, the usual suspects, Hillary and Bill, Al Gore, Barbara Boxer, Howard Dean and Harry Reid are strongly represented, no real surprise there.

The people on the list that I would include are Noam Chomsky, Paul Krugman, Michael Moore, Jesse Jackson, Ted Kennedy, Cynthia McKinney, Nancy Pelosi, Jimmy Carter, Phelps and Robertson. Chuck Schumer made Honorable Mention on their list, but, he would definitely have a spot on mine. I would also throw in Dick Durbin, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Mike Nifong, Morgan Spurlock, Don Fehr, Dusty Baker, the investigator who raided Jason Grimsley's house and Dennis Hastert. Coming up with 20 is kind of hard so Baker has to be included. I don't like to pick on people because they have opinions and express them, right or wrong. The people on my list, I believe, have opinions, but express things they don't believe to further their own careers in a niche that they've carved out for themselves. Offer suggestions in comments if there's anybody I missed who should be on this list.

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