Saturday, October 07, 2006

Political Questions

If you're like me, and for your sake I hope you're not, you find yourself flummoxed to come up with questions when a politician comes to your door soliciting a vote. I have opinions and I want these people to tell me what they believe, but I don't want them to just give me the standard little "I'm for this, this and this and against that, that and that."

Also, typically the people trawling around in my neighborhood are candidates for city council, state representatives or some other local office. These are some of the most important offices for me, but, I typically can't come up with a question to ask these people on the fly, so I'm looking for the kind of questions that get at the candidates inner beliefs. The kind of thing Democrat and Republican used to mean.

For example, I would want to know if they believe in free trade, what they think the role of government is in this country etc. Those aren't questions John Q. Campaigner are typically ready to answer, but they're important for Campaigner to have an answer. Especially because today's local politician is tomorrow's national politician. I don't want to be electing someone for local office when I don't believe in what they think on national issues.

So, in light of this I'm going to email some of the bloggers I most respect and see what they think. I'm looking for pretty general questions that aren't stacked to get an answer a certain way like, "do you think it was worth thousands of American lives to start an illegal war in Iraq?". If the question's loaded, Campaigner will know how I want him to answer it.

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