Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Chino Police Shooting

The officer, Ivory J. Webb, that shot an unarmed man fully complying with the officer's orders, was finally charged with attempted voluntary manslaughter.
"I am very disappointed because the charges did not fit the crime," said attorney Luis Carrillo. "The deputy was trying to kill him."

Attorney Carrillo, who specializes in police abuse cases, said the shooting of an active U.S. military veteran is "one of the worst insults to citizens who protect the nation's homeland".

"As you can see in the videotape, he ordered Mr. Carrion to stand up, then changed his position and aimed at his heart ," Carrillo said. "The only reason Mr. Carrion stood up is because he was ordered to."

Carrillo added, "They charged him with a watered down version of a malicious crime. Anybody else would have been locked up in jail."

I can't agree more with Carrillo. Anyone else in this situation would have been charged with attempted murder. Just because Webb is 5-0 should not reduce the charge, he's an embarassment to law enforcement (and to humans for that matter) and should have an attempted murder charge.


Anonymous said...

Forget the liberal spin that he was an Iraq veteran. The perp was in a high-speed car chase. I don't care what war he was in, nobody gets to terrorize our city streets in THIS country!!

Do you think the DA would have filed charges if the cop had been white?? Do you think the (white) DA is throwing this equally brave, 9-years on the front lines of crime, policeman "under the bus" because he's black??

Joe Blueberry said...

I don't care if the victim was an Iraq war veteran. He was a passenger in a car that was involved in a high speed chase. He was fully compliant with the officer. The officer was not in any danger and shot an unarmed man. I don't care what color any of the people involved were, Webb is a criminal who tried to murder an unarmed man.

Do you think the 5-0 gets to shoot people at will? Apparently you do.