Thursday, March 09, 2006

Reiner's Initiative

For those not in California, an interesting debate is going on about a ballot initiative for universal preschool for all headed by Rob Reiner, aka Meathead. The OC Register writes today of the inherent flaws in the legislation. I agree with their assertions that it's poorly constructed and has very little benefits. But, that's not really why it's interesting. Over the past several years, Democrats have basically gotten a pass on policy and ethics because there's not enough Democrats in charge anywhere to actually do anything. But, California has Democrats in spades. And guess what, Democrats have ethics problems and have bad policies that are costly and ineffective. My point is this, Republicans are not inherently bad, Democrats are not inherently bad, political leaders are inherently bad, government is inherently bad. Some are better than others of course and some things government should be in charge of. But, Democrats have gotten a free pass on these issues because they've largely been on the sidelines. Their current electoral strategy of saying (and proving) that Republicans are bad and not proposing anything is a doomed strategy.

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