Friday, January 20, 2006


Matt Yglesias brings up a point about collaboration that I agree with wholeheartedly. Just because you don't agree with someone on a strong majority of issues doesn't mean you can't work with them on issues you do agree with them. I think this is a problem with our two-party system that we have now. Democrats won't work with Republicans to find common ground on a seemingly apolitical issue simply because the Republicans want to drill in ANWR or some such nonsense. Republicans won't work with Democrats on the War on Terror because Democrats believe in abortion. Each group is only interested in scoring points with the electorate so their party can win the next election. It's to the point where Republicans put themselves ahead of the good of the country.

Sorry for the rant, but I disagree with Yglesias on just about everything. I just wanted to shout out that I agree with him.

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