Monday, January 16, 2006

Stupid in America

I watched Stossel's show "Stupid in America" Friday night. Granted, it was not a very balanced news story and could have been marketed as the news opinion type show that it was, a nice rebuttal of the show can be found here. However, it was still informative and I enjoyed it. I wish Stossel wouldn't have put everything on the teacher's union because the education system is in shambles not necessarily because of teachers, but because of a systematic failure. Public schools have no incentive to teach your kids effectively. No one's going to lose their job if little Jimmy doesn't do well, no one's going to get a raise if little Jimmy does great. Teachers unions do not allow administrators to reward teacher achievement, let alone punish poor behavior. The school receives the same money every year based on how many kids live in the district and the state enforces where the kids go to school.

Would we allow the state to make a decision for us in any other area where there could be choice? I think not. The big fault of the teacher's union is in trying to prevent school vouchers and parental choice of where to send their children. We run into more problems trying to prop up bad schools than we would in allowing those schools to fail, like any other business (besides the airlines, which Congress typically don't allow to fail, but that's another story). Schools will adapt, bad schools will fail and the ones that are left will be continuosly improving.
When monopolies rule, there is little choice, and little gets done. In America the phone company was once a government-supported monopoly. All the phones were black, and all the calls expensive. With competition, things have changed — for the better. We pay less for phone calls. If we're unhappy with our phone service, we switch companies.

Why can't kids benefit from similar competition in education?

"People expect and demand choice in every other area of their life," Sanford said.

The governor announced his plan last year and many parents cheered the idea, but school boards, teachers unions and politicians objected. PTAs even sent kids home with a letter saying, "Contact your legislator. How can we spend state money on something that hasn't been proven?"

A lot of people say education tax credits and vouchers are a terrible idea, that they'll drain money from public schools and give it to private ones.

Last week's Florida court ruling against vouchers came after teacher Ruth Holmes Cameron and advocacy groups brought a suit to block the program.

"To say that competition is going to improve education? It's just not gonna work. You know competition is not for children. It's not for human beings. It's not for public education. It never has been, it never will be," Holmes said.

Why not? Would you keep going back to a restaurant that served you a bad meal? Or a barber that gave you a bad haircut? What if the government assigned you to "your" grocery store. The store wouldn't have to compete for your business, and it would soon sell spoiled milk or stock only high profit items. Real estate agencies would sell houses advertising "neighborhood with a good grocery store." That's insane, and yet that's what America does with public schools.

Chavous, who has worked to get more school choice in Washington, D.C., said, "Choice to me is the only way. I believe that we can force the system from an external vantage point to change itself. It will never change itself from within. … Unless there is some competition infused in the equation, unless that occurs, then they know they have a captive monopoly that they can continue to dominate."

Competition inspires people to do what we didn't think we could do. If people got to choose their kids' school, education options would be endless. There could soon be technology schools, science schools, virtual schools where you learn at home on your computer, sports schools, music schools, schools that go all year, schools with uniforms, schools that open early and keep kids later, and, who knows what else. If there were competition, all kinds of new ideas would bloom.

When in doubt, trust capitalism.

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