Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Egalitarian V. Meritocracy

Matt Yglesias, once again argues against the American meritocracy.
But meritocracy is a bad thing and we shouldn't be complacent about inequality. Better social insurance and better provision of basic social services (America's libraries, parks, subways, etc. are all messed up, as are a shockingly large proportion of our urban sidewalks and streets) is part of the answer, but ultimately inadquate. There's nothing wrong with a little income redistribution, but this is hard to achieve and sustain on a massive basis over time.

I just about bled out of my eyes when I read that. The thing I like about Yglesias, though, is that he's not afraid to write what he really thinks. I think that's a great quality and have enormous respect for that.

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