Friday, January 06, 2006

Florida School Vouchers

Kevin Drum, who's one of the few on the left who doesn't outright dismiss charter schools or vouchers, weighs in on the Florida Supreme Court decision to strike down Jeb Bush's school voucher law.
I'm a cautiously optimistic fan of charter schools, which seem to provide a decent avenue for experimenting with different ways of teaching kids while still providing common-sense levels of accountability. Voucher schools typically don't, and while some percentage of inner city schools are going to fail no matter what, there's a big difference between schools that are trying and failing and schools that fail because they're essentially allowed to get away with fraud.

What Kevin's missing seems to be that schools receiving voucher students are accountable to someone, the parents of the students enrolled in the school. Conservatives aren't trying to have it both ways, they're just shifting the feedback mechanism from government to parents, where it should be. If parents had numerous choices as to where they can send their students, the government wouldn't need to hold individual schools accountable. That mechanism is not currently in place.

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