Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Global Warming - More Good Than Bad

Coyote Blog has a long thoughtful post about global warming and what should or shouldn't be done about it. He makes a similar point that I would make, what's so bad about global warming if it is occurring at all? And is that so bad that we shold grind the world economy to a halt so we can slow global warming?

Millions of people in the world today die prematurely for basically being poor. These deaths come about because of AIDS, malaria, starvation or many other causes, but the root cause is poverty. By simply allowing the world economy to expand, we can alleviate a lot of the poverty in the world. However, if we grind the world economy to a halt or very slow growth, we have just put a death sentence on a good amount of people in Africa and Asia. To me that would be a tragedy.

Read the whole Coyote Blog post. One little tidbit which I found funny but I'm sure the environmentalist crowd would pick up on and deem the whole post stupid and ludicrous is:
By the way, though I know this will really mark me as an environmental Luddite, does anyone really believe that in 100 years, if we've really screwed ourselves by making things too hot, that we couldn't find a drastic way to cool the place off? Krakatoa's eruption put enough dust in the air to cool the world for a decade. The world, unfortunately, has a lot of devices that go bang laying around that I bet we could employ to good effect if we needed to put some dust in the stratosphere to cool ourselves off. Yeah, I am sure that there are hidden problems here but isn't it interesting that NO ONE in global warming, inc. ever discusses any option for solving warming except shutting down the world's economies?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It would be ridiculous for anyone to have a problem with the "enviromental luddite" comment, when what they should have a problem with the "theory" that requiring industry to reduce green house gases will cause the world economy to grind to a halt. After all, does anyone really believe that if the world economy started to slow down we couldn't just print more money to keep things going? Or start another World War? Or build that 200 mpg car engine the oil companies have kept suppressed since the fifties? That the problem with you libertarians, always fretting about the fragility of your precious global economy. If you would just let environmentalists protect the environment, the global economy would adapt. Sure, there might be some disruptions, there would be some winners and some losers. But, it might not be as bad as all you supply and demand curve huggers make it out to be.