Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Salt Lake City on the Sound

Via Radley Balko comes this article from the Seattle Weekly about the Nannyists being in charge of Seattle. Anti-smoking laws, Anti-malt liquor laws and anti-stripping laws rule the political landscape in "progressive" Seattle. The author of the piece calls Seattle "Salt Lake City on the Sound".

This Washington state blogger is pretty proud of her state's smoking ban while being generally pretty liberal on other issues. If the market won't support anti-smoking establishments we'd better pass government ordinances to force everyone to have an anti-smoking establishment. We don't care about your rights is what dear Aunt Jenna seems to think.

Then comes her dim friend Captain Salty to the rescue. She can't argue her point because she knows of the flaws in her argument but Salty is too dim to see that he's an authoritarian.

These two are caricatures of liberals in America. They will castigate conservatives for their positions trying to legislate morality. But all they want to do is legislate healthism. Both positions are wrongheaded but that's what our two party system has brought us, big government set about to legislate positions they shouldn't be involved in. It's upsetting that neither side can or will see their hypocrisy.

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