Wednesday, January 11, 2006

TV Blogging

I watched an episode of "Criminal Minds" on the DVR last night. "Minds" is a mildly entertaining show that we record from time to time. The episode I watched (I have no idea of the original air date) was about some sniper who was shooting people in parks (similar to the beltway sniper). The only reason I bring this show up is there was a scene where it was integral that the FBI profilers find out who a reporters source was for a story. In the confrontation with the reporter the FBI profiler told the reporter that they considered the sniper a terrorist and the FBI could hold the reporter indefinitely under the Patriot Act until they got the information they wanted from the reporter. I know it's only a silly TV drama but I have to believe there's a kernel of truth to the idea that the FBI and other law enforcement agencies invoke the Patriot Act to scare the wits out of suspects and witnesses they're interviewing.

We recently purchased season 1 of "The O.C.". Neither my wife nor I had seen any episode of "The O.C." but we were kind of interested in it. So we got it and started watching. I can't believe no one told me how extremely fabulous and funny this show is. Adam Brody who plays Seth Cohen is like a young VV (Vince Vaughn). He may be the funniest character on TV since George Costanza. Seriously every part of this show is great, I can't believe I haven't been watching.

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